
Participation in the VascAgeNet

Professor Konstantina S. Nikita (founder and head of BIOSIM-NTUA, coordinator of Master TEAM) and Associate Professor Spyretta Golemati (Medical School-NKUA, faculty of Master TEAM) participate in the COST Action VascAgeNet. VascAgeNet is an international network working towards refining, harmonising and promoting the use of vascular ageing measures to reduce the burden of cardiovascular disease globally. VascAgeNet aims at:

  • dentifying new risk factors for vascular ageing and, thus, enriching the understanding of the underlying mechanisms of vascular ageing,
  • validating, standardising and harmonising existing and new computational models and devices for the assessment of vascular ageing,
  • creating a big data registry for harmonising available data,
  • harmonising available studies and enabling multicentre research initiatives.

More information is available on the VascAgeNet website and in the public engagement poster below.
