
ISBI 2024 Satellite Event

We are thrilled to share the success of the satellite event “Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine: Education, Research, Innovation” which was held within the framework of the 21st IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI 2024). The event brought together a diverse group of students, faculty members, and industry leaders to explore opportunities and challenges at the exciting interface of engineering and life sciences.

Dr. Konstantina Nikita (NTUA) delivered a thought-provoking address outlining the TEAM program’s vision towards the education of future engineers with a holistic understanding of both engineering principles and medical needs. Dr. Elisa E. Konofagou (Columbia University) and Dr. Andrew F. Laine (Columbia University) shared their innovative research on deep learning theory and applications in medical imaging and presented related internship opportunities at Columbia University’s research labs. Dr. Ipatia Doussis-Anagnostopoulou (University of Athens) and Dr. Spyretta Golemati (University of Athens) presented the rationale for designing the program’s courses aiming to provide (i) engineers with basic human anatomy and physiology knowledge and (ii) students with non-engineering backgrounds with the knowledge required to critically evaluate and use technologies in healthcare and medicine. Current TEAM students, Katerina Afentouli and Konstantinos Tziavaras shared their internship experiences at Columbia University, while Thodoris Spiliotis presented his experience with innovation and entrepreneurship focusing on engineering solutions in mental health.

The second day of the satellite event featured a session on innovation and entrepreneurship, with Dr. Leonidas Alexopoulos (NTUA), Vassilis Papakonstantinou (Blue Dome Capital) and TEAM students showcasing the program’s emphasis on translating scientific discoveries into real-world healthcare solutions.

This two-day event served as a valuable platform for knowledge exchange and inspiration. It solidified the TEAM program’s commitment to nurturing the next generation of translational engineers – a group poised to bridge the gap between engineering advancements and improved healthcare.
